Happy Birthday, Mindi & Mandi
Join the fun as Mindi and Mandi celebrate their third birthday on May 12, 2002
Oh, no!  Not the hats again!
And you're taking PICTURES???
How humiliating!
No self-respecting beagle should have to put up with this
Okay, if I promise to pose pretty, will you PLEASE take them off?
That's better! 
I'm still sitting nicely, see my ribbon?  Now, when do we get to the good part?
See my pretty ribbon?  I'm three years old!
Let's see how many toys I can pile up before my sisters catch me!
Let's see, how did Mandi say to do this?
Thief boy strikes again!
What'cha got there, Mandi?
Mandi, doing her best "Snoopster" imitation
Did a toy roll under the couch, Mindi?
Hey, this birthday stuff is fun!  Can we do it again, tomorrow?
Heh Heh, watch this!
Another one bites the dust!
A boy and his toy
Aw right, here come the TREATS!
My turn!
Lookie them ears!
Throw the ball, Mommy!  I'm ready!  Throw the ball!
Oh, another one's gone, yes another one's gone...
...another one bites the dust!
Whaddya mean, you already threw it behind me?
I'm ready!
...and get sleepy...
Beginning to slow down...
ARROOOO!!  A frisbee!!!
Okay, now I got it...sort of.
Where's the handle on this thing?
Comin' through!
Two snoozing birthday girls...
...and their snoozing brother.
The End...
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© MHArrooo 2005