Wrestlemania,Beagle Style
(Be patient...there's LOTS to load)
The scenes depicted in the following photos are NOT dog fights. 
These three beagles are play-wrestling only. 
The owners of this web site neither support nor condone dog fighting in any form.
Are you tired yet?  Yep, me too.
Time for some old fashioned Zoomie Wrestling!
Is that a beagle or a 'gator?
Snapping Turtle Mandi
Welcome to the Zoomie Wresting Federation
Not on my head!
I'm gonna pounce!
You wanna piece o' me?
Oh-ho!  Two against one, is it?
I'll take ya on!
Getchyer paw outta my face!
Mandi launches
...a full frontal assault.
Beagle Wrestling Federation
But Sammi gets the upper paw as he rolls Mandi
Mindi waits for just the right opportunity
Try to pin me, will ya?
Come back here, you don't get away THAT easily!
Mindi's still waiting...
...while Mandi and Sammi wrestle on.
Do it again, I dare ya!
Sammi takes a roll...
Another two-on one
...and comes up stretching.
Mindi pounces!
...and the boy takes another roll
I'll take on all comer's
C'mere little brother
Lemme teach you a thing or two 'bout wrestlin'
Free for all
All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo. 
Use without permission is prohibited
© MHArrooo 2005