All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
© MHArrooo 2005
...then advance to Sit Up for a treat.
Sammi learns the Down command
Mindi and Mandi practice Sit...
In the fall of 2003, we took Sammi to Obedience training at the local PetSmart. 
It was a blast, and we gained far more than we imagined.  The way the classes are structured,
we learn a technique during the class, then come home and practice it during the week. 
As a result, not only Sammi, but Mindi & Mandi learned the lessons. 
Here are some pictures we took along the Road to Learning.
Practicing a Group Sit (notice Mandi's paw...she is definitely the stubborn one of the bunch)
And here we have a Group Down
Mandi gets a treat for a Sit Up while Mindi and Sammi stay in Sit mode
Sammi shows his Prairie Dog impression
Mandi practices Sit-Stay
Practicing a Group Down (notice Miss Stubborn again)
In the actual PetSmart class, Sammi learns to Sit while greeting a stranger
Sammi in his Graduation Cap
Sammi's Official Graduation