All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
© MHArrooo 2005
Snoozin' shmoozin', I wanna play ball
Sammi wrapped up snug as a bug
Mindi looks guilty in Mommy's desk chair this is comfy
You know, when they look THIS innocent, they've been into something.
Mindi snuggles in the BeagleBuddy blankets
This is Zippy, one of our two golden apple snails
Sammi on his favorite perch - waiting for Momma to come home
Hello there, I'm Mandi
One blankey is never enough!
Mandi chews her bone
Oscar, the gold fish forages on the bottom of his tank
Oscar's a little camera shy
Where's mine?
Mandi plays Little Miss Innocent, while Mindi looks for the toy she dropped
Sammi on guard duty
Surveying his territory
Mindi and Sammi prepare for a Zoomie!
Oscar swimming around with the snails (one at the top and one at the bottom)
Mandi sneaks in to steal Mindi's Riot Stick, while Sammi snuffles her ear
Wait a sec, how'd Sammi get away with that?
What's a beagle gotta do to get some food around this place?
Maybe a nap would be more appropriate
Ah...this is the life!
Sonny takes flight
Sonny in his cage
Meet Shelbi
And here's Jessi
Synchronized swimming, anyone?
Sammi decides to investigate these strange creatures
When I clean the turtle tank, I put Jessi and Shelbi in a "holding tub" for safe keeping.  Normally, the beagles are fairly blase' about the whole thing.  But this morning, Sammi decided to see what all the fuss was about
(closely supervised, of course!)...
Sitting oh so nicely...
Finally, curiosity wins!
Look Mom, they moved !
RATS!  I can't reach them!
Introducing, the rest of the Zoomie Zoo!
For more pictures of Jessi and Shelbi, click here
Just a quiet day at home with the Zoomies...