Sammi is three years old
Join the fun as Mindi and Mandi help Sammi celebrate his third birthday!
All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
© MHArrooo 2005
Whatcha doin' in the kitchen, Mom?
Treats!  Can we have some, pretty please?
Ah, c'mon, we said Pretty Please!
Lookie what we learned - down and stay!
We can do a sit-stay pretty good, too.
The beagle handbook clearly states on page 1,763 that  being cute deserves a treat.
The ball comes back to Sammi, and Mandi spots something of interest across the room
Sammi switches to the flip, so Mandi pounces on the ball
Mindi plays with the Flip, while Mandi works on destroying the elephant
Here come the toys!
Hee, this is fun!  Got any more toys up there?
Okay, explain to me again how THIS hat is supposed to be any better?
Maybe if I close my eyes it will go away...
Rats, it didn't work
And the elephant bites the dust!
Sigh...the stupid hats again.
Happy Birthday Dear Sammi, Happy Birthday to you-oooooOOOOOOO
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...
Mindi looking for more treats
Can I play with what's left?
Am I cute or what?
YAHOOO, it's my birthday!
Oh, not the hats....this is embarrassing!
How humiliating!
Mindi sings
"Happy Birthday" to Sammi
Sammi squeaks his new ball
Grrr, get that ball, Sammi !
Whew, what a great birthday!
Can we do it again tomorrow?