All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
© MHArrooo 2005
Mandi waits to see if Mommy will put down the camera and play
C'mon, I know you have a ball up there somewhere
Hmmph, No ball, No smile.
I'll pose for you Mommy!
Here's my profile...
Uh, wait a minute...whaddya mean "no cookies"?  I'm outta here.
Oh all right, but only a little one.
Here I am being the "strong, silent type"
Does she still have the camera?  I don't know, I'm not looking up, YOU look up.  I'm not looking up!    Get Sammi, he'll do anything.  Huh uh, I'm not looking either!
Oh, were you talking to ME?
Mindi being cute, and completely ignoring Mommy's camera
Nope, not gonna catch me looking.
Huh uh!  No way!
I know there's got to be something more interesting behind you.
On a pretty Fall day, we decided to try and get some pictures
of the Zoomies playing in the yard. 
Though they weren't particularly cooperative,
we got a few good pictures.  Enjoy!