All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
© MHArrooo 2005
Meet Pancho!
Aunt Linda came to visit and she brought her new puppy, Pancho. 
The Zoomie Cousin is about 4 1/2 months old, all legs and full of energy. 
She certainly gave the Zoomies a run for their money!
I'm Pancho!
What do you mean, it's not MY bed?
I'm the Zoomie Cousin, visiting for Thanksgiving
Here I am snarfing cookies in the kitchen with Sammi
Mindi watches while I play tug of war
Sammi is ready to play with me!
Whatcha got there, Mandi?
Pancho takes off
Here I am!  Throw it to me!
Aren't I adorable?
Pancho and Mindi take a break
C'mon Mindi, I'll play with you!
Anybody wanna play with me?
Off the the races! (Mandi, Pancho, Sammi)
Pancho and Mandi try to steal the ball from Sammi
Panco and Mindi romp through the yard
Hide me, will ya?  This kid's running me ragged!