All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
Paw print graphics used by permission from
Fuzzy Faces Free Doggy Graphics
Snow flake graphics used by permission from
Pat's Web Graphics
This entire website © MHArrooo 2006
Middle Tennessee got an inch of snow in mid-February, 2006.
Time for the Zoomies to Play!
(Be patient, there's LOTS to load.)
Mandi attacks the ice covering her egg.
Meanwhile, Mandi continues to chase her egg around the yard.
What's this white stuff on my egg?
I know it landed around here somewhere...
What do you mean you can't come down and play because of your boot?
Where did the snowball go?
I think I found's on my nose!
Gator jaws!
Mindi races to catch a snow ball.
Could you throw another one please?
Rats, I missed!
Sammi and Mindi wait for another snow ball
Did you catch it?  No, did you?
Mindi and Sammi come outside to explore
Brenda plays with Mindi and Sammi
Zoomie Time!
Are ya gonna throw it, Mom?
Cute boy!
Is that a snowball?
Okay, I'm ready!  Throw it!
Silly boy!
He flies through the air with the greatest of ease...
Hey, there's snow on my toy!
GRRRR, gotta shake the snow offa my toy!
Cold piddies!
Use of the snowflake graphics provided by