<BGSOUND SRC="http://arrooo.net/BDay19.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
All photos are the exclusive property of MHArrooo.  Use without permission is prohibited.
Paw print graphics used by permission from
Fuzzy Faces Free Doggy Graphics
Birthday graphics used by permission from Pat's Web Graphics
This entire website © MHArrooo 2007
Join the celebration as Sammi turns 7 years old.
(Be patient, there's LOTS to load)
Mandi's turn with the hat
Sitting so nicely
Anxiously waiting for a cookie...that's called total focus!
We know you have more toys, give 'em up!
Beagles...gotta love 'em!
A group down
Followed by a group sit
All in all, an excellent birthday party!
Can we do it again tomorrow?  Pretty pleeezzzzze?
Here's the Birthday Boy!
There better be some treats for this, or the hat gets it!
Sammi poses for his treat, and Mandi waits for dropsies
C'mon, Mom, we know you have them, GIVE!
All right, enough with the pictures...bring on the TOYS!
I love toys!
Making a pile
Chomp, chomp, chomp
Whatcha got over there?
Leave my toys alone, Mom
Sigh, the things I have to do to get a cookie around here.
Come back here you...
Never you mind, little brother
Hee hee hee
Mandi gets settled in to start her Toy Termination
Hmmm, what's this one?
One happy beagle
Mindi looks SO adorable.
Mindi gives the camera a High Ten!
I'm a cutie pie.
That's me, cute and adorable.
Mindi finds a toy to nibble
Gimme that back!
Ewwww, what was that?
Mindi and her toy
Happy Birthday to our son, our Beagle-y little boy.
He added sunshine to our world and brought us tons of joy.

Today's your day, Samson Lee; we'll give you treats and toys.
And then we'll love you all year long, 'cause you're our Beagle-y boy.

We know a sweet beagle named Sammi,
Who "sings" like he's just won a Grammy!
His Birthday is here
So we wish him good cheer,
Plus a fun day with Mindi and Mandi

Mary, with Miss Daisy Duke, 2007