Visiting Beagles & Buddies - Part I
Miss Molly comes a-runnin'!
Miss Molly
Casey and Miss Molly "negotiate" for a cookie, while Lisa's Mom watches
Miss Molly will play dead for a cookie
Miss Molly will play *really* dead for a cookie
You can throw that ball anytime, Aunt Casey!
Just any old time you want to...
Ha!  I got it now!  And it's being held for cookie, please!
High Ten, Aunt Casey!
Sweet Daisy
Miss Daisy
I can do tricks, too!
Mary and Miss Daisy Duke
Mary and Miss Daisy Duke
Are quite an enchanting pair
Such a wonderful time we had
Listening to stories they would share.

Daisy took our toy to play
In another room, it's true
But she came back to sit and beg;
When the treats came out, she knew!

Miss Daisy Duke is such a cutie
And Miss Mary is simply charming.
We had fun, you can bet
We left with hearts a-warming.
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