Visiting Beagles & Buddies - Part V
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More pictures of our Beagle Fest
(Be patient - there's LOTS of pictures to load)
Bailey and Jax with a "friend", and Ginger in the background
Jay stands on top of our cooler
Mikey, Food-meister Extraordinaire!
Norm and friends (with Shawna helping)
Norm and his friends
I think we need to re-name Norm "The Beagle Man"
Norm, Lynn, Sharon and Nadine
Molly and Mikey stay at Norm's feet
Casey sneaks a bite to Murphy while Norm looks the other way
Norm and Nadine watch the general bedlam
The pack of beagles
How many beagles can Lynn feed with just two hands?
Sharon, Lexi and Liz
Shawna and Charlie
Shawna, Sharon, Lexi and Casey
Beagles doing what beagles do best - Sniffing!!!